By: gianlini on Giovedì 28 Novembre 2013 10:56

il dax il 28 nov 2012 stava a 7343, oggi a 9399 fa un +28 %... pari a 28 anni di rendimento del bund e forse a 13-14 anni di inflazione.... cioè se un anno fa avevi 100 investiti sul dax e puntavi ad un bilocale che ne costava 150, ora ad un solo anno di distanza, i tuoi 100 sono diventati 128, e probabilmente riesci a portare a casa il bilocale, e ti resta anche qualcosa.... in termini di mq reali hai guadagnato quasi il 50 % in un anno!! (lasciatemi vaneggiare un po', bisogna sconfiggere la sensazione di non averci capito un tubo....)


  By: manx on Giovedì 28 Novembre 2013 10:47

Tutte le salite si assomigliano in qualche frame time . Comunque , "se" fosse vero ,il Dow nel 29 è passato da 17 a 32, + 90% , oggi da 12000 a 16000 , + 33% . L'analoga discesa sarebbe oggi una correzione del 25%


  By: gianlini on Giovedì 28 Novembre 2013 10:29

a differenza del '29, questo è un rialzo che sta avvenendo all'insaputa di molti, in particolare degli italiani....


  By: Vaicru on Giovedì 28 Novembre 2013 10:09

Per quale motivo si dovrebbe ripetere quello che e' successo nel '29 ? ( per semplici analogie ? ) boh cmq il mio ts mi da per inizio della discesa il 9 dicembre p.v.

Analogo del 1929 - Moderatore  

  By: Moderatore on Giovedì 28 Novembre 2013 01:39

Questo è il grafico messo fuori da Tom DeMark un mese fa che su Bloomberg è uno dei più visti in cui si sovrappone il meercato del 1928-1929 a quello del 2012-2013. Secono l'analogo manca circa un mese


  By: beppe on Giovedì 25 Gennaio 2007 23:49

parlano parlano, ma se fossero onesti alla msft dovrebbero dire: "grazie agli haker ed ai virus, finalmente ora tutti pagano i propri sysop per tenere aggiornato il proprio systema....ecco perchè l'azienza va meglio". beppe


  By: beppe on Giovedì 25 Gennaio 2007 22:59

ed ora tocca a MSFT!


  By: michelino di notredame on Martedì 04 Novembre 2003 21:29

va bene va bene. sarei tentato in verita' di cancellare tutto quello che ho scritto col modifica, ma poi preferisco lasciarlo agli atti, e se mi risalta fuori "vendi questo maiale stanco" a sto punto penso che me lo sono meritato, che mi risalti fuori, un promemoria della propria scioccaggine, memento che sei sciocco, a volte.


  By: GZ on Martedì 04 Novembre 2003 10:46

li ripesco in base a quello che ho scritto io che appare nell'archivio dei "meglio del forum" e in base all'argomento, poi però il titolo originale del topic è sempre quello di mesi fa


  By: michelino di notredame on Martedì 04 Novembre 2003 03:09

Zibordi grazie per l'attenzione, ma la prego, non uppi più i miei vecchi post. Mi ricordano l'enorme quantita' (TONS OF, dicono gli americani) di stupidaggini borsistiche che ho detto negli ultimi 2 anni, e non e' che la cosa sia piacevolissima. Un po' come prendere il gatto per la collottola e fargli annusare dove ha fatto la pipì. Basta per pietà. Anche i gatti hanno un limite. Cioe', volevo dire... ;) Politica sì. Su argomenti politici sono disposto a fare il saccente ancora per un po'. Se non altro per divertirsi. Ma borsa basta. Borsa basta basta. Ci ho perso anche i soldi con i quali oggi avrei voluto comprarmi l'ultimo di Ben Harper (che poi non l'ho comprato). Basta basta.

"Adesso" è diverso che "tra qualche mese" - gz  

  By: GZ on Martedì 04 Novembre 2003 02:16

Per chi sia troppo pigro da leggere Barron's e anche come mio promemoria metto qui un pezzo dell'intervista di sabato che ho citato oggi nel sito a pagamento oggi a Jeremy Grantham, un tizio che gestisce soldi da 40 anni e ha ora 45 miliardi in mano (80-90 mila miliardi di lire) (Nota: per qualche motivo cerco di leggere e imparare da chi ha 30 anni di esperienza e gestisce decine di miliardi di dollari piuttosto che dai giovinastri peraltro brillanti che scrivono su SoldiOnline o Trendonline o wallstreetItalia e simili) Grantham "Gestisce" non nel senso che è capo di una mega banca che ha 20 mila promotori e brokers che hannno raccolto i soldi casa per casa e lui ne è amministratore delegato come Ennio Doris. Jeremy Grantham i soldi non li raccoglie, da tutto il mondo le istituzioni glieli fanno gestire e comanda lui e basta su come farlo. L'intervista inizia dicendo che questo rialzo è il più grande bidone della storia ("greatest sucker rally in history..." che si traduce come "bidone" o "bufala"). E che finirà in un "black hole" (buco nero, vi traduco anche tutto). Quindi sembra che stia parlando michelino o luccarini o banshee o usmalab o cecconi o i tanti altri amici che animavano il forum quando le borse franavano (spiace della mescolanza casuale di nomi, so che ci sono differenze, ma insomma dei pessimisti) Poi però leggi tutto il pezzo e scopri che secondo il Jeremy Grantham, uno dei 4 o 5 gestori più importanti del mondo, ADESSO le borse salgono ancora e che FRA QUALCHE MESE arriverà il "bidone" o "bufala" e finirà in un "black hole". "ADESSO", novembre 2003 è diverso da "FRA QUALCHE MESE", (forse aprile forse giugno 2004). Per cui al momento è ancora investito ecc... e consiglia ecc.... Interessante no ? Pensi che le cose andranno male, ma tra qualche mese e il tempismo giusto fa tutta la differenza.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOVEMBER 3, 2003 Sucker Punch Coming Jeremy Grantham says it's only a bear-market rally By SANDRA WARD An Interview With Jeremy Grantham -- Clients of Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. have been gathering the past two weeks at the venerable investment firm's Boston headquarters for its annual assessment of the state of the world's markets. In other words, to hear "Jeremy's jeremiads." With 35 years experience under his belt and $48 billion under management at the firm he helped found, Grantham is well worth listening to. His foresight and fastidiousness are the stuff of legend, as is the firm's ability to deliver superior results across asset classes around the globe over the long haul. For Grantham's latest prophecies, please read on. Barron's: New bull market? Bear market rally? Grantham: The simple story is the market is overpriced and will go to a trendline P/E, which we now believe is 16 times based on research that shows earnings tend to be overstated over time because assets tend to be underdepreciated during times of technological progress. Currently, the market is around 24 times trailing earnings, on a fairly generous earnings estimate. This is not just a bear market rally but the greatest sucker rally in history. Q: There's nothing comparable? A: Nothing in American history. In bear-market rallies, in the not-too-distant future, a new low is made. But the new low is only verified in hindsight. The normal characteristics of the leadership in a bear market rally flash back to the old leadership of the prior bubble. That's not the case in a new bull market. In the three substantial, but not huge, rallies that occurred in 2000, 2001 and 2002, technology and growth stocks led the way, particularly flaky little companies. The scope of the speculation and the leadership of tech and the surviving Internet stocks is just not typical of a serious new bull market. New bull markets typically start when the great bubbles have broken badly and stocks become very cheap: Eight times depressed earnings and way under half replacement cost. After this bubble burst, the market hit 19 times earnings, barely below the prior peak of the two previous great bull markets. Then it staged a big rally, with all of the indicators of a bear market rally except one: Bear market rallies typically don't have legs and in the U.S. have never lasted a year. Jeremy's jeremiad: The vast overhang of debt which, unlike in other cycles, continues to grow, means a major "housecleaning" still lies ahead for the market. Q: But this one will? A: It is the third year of a presidential cycle. The presidential cycle is enormously important. The presidential cycle for me starts in 1932. Before then, the whole idea of stimulus hadn't sunk in. Keynes explained the concept and in Franklin Delano Roosevelt he had a very interested listener. From then on, administrations understood it is a good idea to stimulate the economy in year three, so that in year four unemployment -- and this is key -- is dropping. It's fine to have a strong economy, but it is unemployment that really drives the vote, our research shows. The third year in a presidential cycle is not just a bull market year, but one with a bubbly flavor to it where growth wins. It's the only year in the cycle that growth wins. The speculative stocks outperform the quality stocks and small caps do very well. Q: How does this third year stack up against those in the past? A: This is a classic third year. The absolute return, minus inflation, is 17% in the third year and believe it or not that is exactly where we are, up 17%. Growth outperforms its normal relationship to value by 5% and that is exactly where it is today, to the penny. Small cap does very nicely and this time has done twice as well because it has benefited from another kicker. While there isn't a very strong connection between the economy and the stock market, there is one very useful connection: In the 12 months, sometimes 24 depending on conditions, but always 12 following a low in the economy, small caps do very well. Low quality or junk does spectacularly. What we found, too, is that the third year is fairly indifferent to value. Years one, two and four are reasonably sensitive to value. In year three, it doesn't matter whether the market is cheap, expensive or in between, the market goes up. In 1999, the most expensive year in American history up to that point, the market went straight through the roof, like a pea bouncing off a tank. Q: What should we expect in year four? A: Year four is neutral. The market comes in on average, small cap is about average, junk still wins -- a little echo effect -- and surprisingly value comes back and typically has the best year on average in the cycle. Value matters. This is, of course, a glorious heaven-sent opportunity to take advantage of the rally and reposition portfolios. This is a very important rally and it will probably last through the year and may easily carry over into one or more quarters next year. But next year is much more up for grabs. It is a very expensive market and that will be a drag. We still have very low capacity-utilization and all the problems of excess spending that went on. We have the problem of debt. Q: How critical is the question of debt? A: What is unique to this cycle is debt has not declined. It has, in fact, risen dramatically at the government level, quite dramatically at the corporate level, dramatically at the foreign level and very substantially and steadily at the consumer level. This is not a good picture. Normally, it rises in bad times and falls in recoveries. This time it has not. This is a long way from today, but 2005 and 2006 will be a much clearer call than most years. Q: How is that? A: They will be painful years. A black hole. Q: Why do you say that? A: Housecleaning needs to be done, whether a new administration or old, and we have got a really dirty house. There is debt everywhere, and there are problems that have not been addressed, only postponed, by this administration and the Federal Reserve. In addition, we have a horrifically overpriced market. It is the third most expensive year ever recorded. Q: What should investors do? A: There are fewer places to hide than any time in my 35-year career. Bonds are not horrific, but they are vulnerable to someone deciding the way to get rid of all this debt is to inflate. TIPS (Treasury inflation-protected securities) are okay, but fairly priced. The returns at these levels are not terrible but neither are they satisfactory. In stocks, value has come in and won't be too much help on the downside, nothing like 2000-2001. Same with small cap. Small cap has done brilliantly all the way down and all the way up this year. Small cap is not cheap in the U.S. Do not expect it to provide any material help on the downside; it may even underperform. Real estate has been like a cat with nine lives. Housing prices have continued to rise to a multiple of income that is dangerously high. The next time at bat, you really have to count on the housing market coming down, not disastrously, but if the S&P comes down through 700, which is our estimate of fair value, it will very likely be accompanied by at least a modest decline in housing. All the reasons that propped it up will have flowed through the system. It would be hard to imagine a two-year decline in the market that was coincident with a continued climb in real estate. Real estate is getting very expensive and quite unaffordable, and when rates rise that will make it much more so. Meanwhile, REITs [real-estate investment trusts] went up in 2000-'01-'02 when the U.S. market went down. Then we have a 20% rally in the S&P this year and REITs are six or seven points ahead. Since we spoke last year, REITs are up 33.4% to the S&P's 23.9%, almost 10 points ahead. Q: Why the outperformance? Aren't REITs out of favor now that other dividend-paying stocks receive a tax advantage? A: Of all the questions I find hard to answer, that is No. 1. I can give you plausible B.S. but I don't know why REITs have done so well. They changed the tax on dividends, but not for REITs, and therefore other high-dividend stocks should surely handsomely outperform REITs. Yet REITs, without the tax advantage, are far ahead of other high-yield stocks. Go figure. Everyone knows the fundamentals of office space are terrible and apartment rents have fallen and vacancy rates are up. We've had three years of brilliant outperformance in the worst bear market since 1974, and still REITs are outperforming. I don't get it, except underneath it all there is still a big gap between the expected return from REITs and the S&P. We are down to about a 4.5% estimate in REITs from 8.1% a year ago. Now 4.5% is not enough, but it is a lot better than about negative 1% a year, which we expect from the S&P. Q: Are you still anti blue-chip? A: I'm anti blue-chips in terms of absolute return. In terms of relative return, one of the places to hide in the U.S. market will be quality stocks. Quality stocks, whether large-cap, or small- or mid-cap, provide noncontroversial, straightforward return on equity, stability of profits and balance-sheet strength. Meat and potatoes. Those characteristics have underperformed continuously all year. This has been a junk year by every parameter. The net effect is that quality is already pretty cheap. If this bear-market rally continues for quite a long time, then quality will become about as cheap or cheaper than it has ever been. In the event the market goes another leg down, accompanied perhaps by some measures aimed at the overleverage in the system, quality could be a terrific defense against huge declines. Quality stocks will still go down, unfortunately. But they will provide real resistance to big declines. They will be pretty heroic as will REITs on a relative basis. That's the important idea in the U.S. But the real play, of course continues to be foreign and emerging stocks and bonds. Q: Still? A: The dollar has probably not seen its low. Even though we don't score it as cheap on traditional purchasing-power parity, we have a strong suspicion it will continue down because of the trade gap. Now the place to hide in relative terms is in foreign stocks, emerging markets and, paradoxically, high-quality U.S. and, if you insist, REITs. The problem is, what do you do in absolute terms? Foreign is no longer cheap. It is a little expensive. The best you can say for it is if you are going into the second leg of a major bear market, it is better to go with the sectors that are only a little expensive. They will go down in sympathy with the U.S. but I think they will go down substantially less and the currency kicker will make a big difference. The only one that may buck the trend is emerging markets. Emerging may actually go up in a fairly serious decline. We've been saying this for a long time and last year the S&P was down 22% and emerging was minus 2%. It almost made it; it almost did the impossible. Emerging is still absolutely a bit cheap. It is the only equity category that is absolutely a little cheap. Its profit margins are improving. Its GDPs are improving. If there is no out-of-left field crisis in, say, China -- and "if" should be underlined two or three times -- they are in better shape than they have been for years in terms of financials and currencies.


  By: prozac on Mercoledì 16 Luglio 2003 15:12

Intendevo dire Michelino che nel trading è quasi tutto un learning by doing, ed all'inizio perdere è quasi scontato. Se ben ricordo, solo uno tra tutti i Market Wyzards ha brillato sin dall'inizio della carriera, tutti gli altri l'han presa nei denti ma hanno poi messo a frutto la lezione. Qualcosa da una sconfitta si può sempre imparare, magari anche solo che quel tal gioco non fa per noi.

Non si impara dalle perdite - michelino di notredame  

  By: michelino di notredame on Mercoledì 16 Luglio 2003 14:28

"Se da una perdita hai appreso qualcosa..." ------------------------------------------- In tutta franchezza, devo dire che non ho appreso un bel nulla. Anzi, fammi citare Longanesi: e' vero il contrario. Quando guadagni sei piu' intelligente. Sai di piu'. Una sensazione che e' indistinguibile dalla realta'. I poveri, al di la' della retorica che puo' fiorire i loro discorsi, sono sempre ignoranti. I soldi sono una forma di potere, che puoi scambiare pronta cassa con qualsiasi altra forma di potere. Anche con il sapere. Anche con la bellezza. Quelli che vedi sono vasi comunicanti. Se l'acqua scende da un lato, scende anche dagli altri.


  By: gldm on Mercoledì 16 Luglio 2003 11:55

Beh... se sono stati degli abili investitori... se cmq hanno tanti soldi..... o se cmq hanno potere........ ...è una visione pura, quasi religiosa, dei valori della vita e delle relazioni uomo/donna che lascia qualche oppurtunità di cesellatura di ventenni agli over 60, anche privi di esperienza amorosa. ( mi pare che soddisfi tutti e tre i se: gz come va con le ventenni ? ) :)


  By: lanci on Mercoledì 16 Luglio 2003 11:23

l'esperienza è quella cosa che ti ritrovi quando non ti serve più! Credi che i sessantenni non sappiano adesso dopo tanti anni di esperienza come si dovrebbe fare per intortare le ventenni? Certo che lo sanno! Gli serve a qualcosa? Lanci